
Tips for an Efficient Warehouse Layout

March 15, 2020


Maximize Productivity with Efficient Layout

An efficient warehouse floor plan can help you maximize productivity, work flow and minimize costs. The function of your warehouse is key to determining your layout needs. Are you fulfilling orders, manufacturing, assembling or packing? What are your storage needs? SVSEQ is the industry leader in shelving, lockers, racks, and all workplace and warehouse needs. 

After understanding what the function of your warehouse is, and what your business needs are you will want to create a warehouse layout. Consider your equipment options, space utilization, work and traffic flow. 

A warehouse blueprint is a great place to start. Visualize the space and know the specific dimensions. If you do not have a blueprint you can take measurements and draw your space on grid paper. There are several applications, including SmartDraw which allow you to design your layout on your computer. Take note of any stationary features in your warehouse, like columns, build outs, door sizing, and stairwells. And don’t forget about overhead space and ceiling heights. Make certain your shelving will fit!

Once your design is in place, choose your primary equipment like shelving, packing and assembly stations. The SVSEQ online catalog has a wide selection of all of the above. 

SVSEQ offers expert delivery and installation options. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your warehouse planning and equipment needs. 

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